Do you need a Utah license to sell alcohol off premises (grocery stores and convenience stores)?
The E.A.S.Y. Law (S.B. 58) was passed by the 2006 Legislature, and becomes effective July 1, 2006. The E.A.S.Y. Law limits youth access to alcohol in grocery and convenience stores, authorizes law enforcement to conduct random alcohol sales compliance checks, requires mandatory training for each store employee that sells beer or directly supervises the sale of beer and funds a statewide media and education campaign to alert youth, parents, and communities of the dangers of alcohol to the developing teen. You can get your Utah certification to sell alcohol in grocery and convenience stores by taking our state approved Utah E.A.S.Y. Training Course.
Utah E.A.S.Y. (Eliminate Alcohol Sales to Youth) Training course has been approved by the state of Utah.

Enroll Now --Utah E.A.S.Y. Training Course
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